January 18, 2009

Exciting News

I hope you guys enjoyed the podcast. There's definitely more to come from Nathan and me in that department as we continue to refine TimeSlingers. But, I do have some additional news that I think everyone will respond favorably to: I'm finalizing some details with Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff and then I'll be posting more from her series on "Amateurish Writing"!

I'm excited about that, because Maya has a lot of experience and her posts are always very well received. So, I'll be running two series concurrently, the podcasts about TimeSlingers and Maya's insights on how we can avoid some of writing's pitfalls.

Also, as a plug for something new Maya's been working on, check out The Book View Cafe. I think you'll enjoy it, so I'm adding it as a permanent link on this site.

Stay tuned!

January 12, 2009

The First Podcast - TimeSlingers Concept

My friend and TimeSlingers.com illustrator/story consultant, Nathan asked if I'd like to try a podcast. Who wouldn't, right? So, my series about writing for TimeSlingers continues, only instead of reading my writing, you can actually just listen to Nathan and I talk. Something about that seems strange since this is a writing blog...but I think it's fun, so let's try it out...


Links mentioned in this post:
Infinite Space, Infinite God